Make Your Own Gear!
One of the coolest things about Amateur Radio is building your own gear. Hams were the original makers, tinkering and building equipment whether it be for portable use or for at home in the shack. On this page are a few "homebrew" DIY builds for various Amateur Equipment, built by hams in our club and largely sourced from locally available parts.
VHF/UHF Antennas
- Dual Band Threaded Rod Antenna - Snazzy 2m/70cm J-Pole Antenna that is totally tunable
HF Antennas
- Simple Dipole - Easy Dipole Base with swappable bands
- Dual FireStik Antenna - Awesome portable antenna build
- Resonant Wire Antennas with Screen Ground Plane - Incredibly effective system
- "Random Wire" Antenna - Easy and effective antenna for home or field use
- "Residential" Off-Centre-Fed Dipole - More bands for your buck!
- End Fed Half Wave Antenna - Builds for the ultimate portable antenna
- Vertically Polarized 2 Element Antenna - Great antenna for portable work
- POTA PERformer - An all-wire version of an impressive antenna
- The Rybakov - Snazzy multiband vertical
Transformers and Chokes
- Transformers for Ham Radio - Simplified, "real-world," quick reference guide to transformers and chokes
Handy Accessories
- Easy Ground Spike - Super easy ground spike build
- Dog Stake Mast Holder - Really cheap and really easy
- Wago to Power Pole Connector - These can save the day!