Here you can find a wealth of helpful information and ham radio resources!
Radio Information and Tools
Amateur Radio is shallow enough that a child can wade in it and deep enough to drown an elephant at the same time! This hobby is incredibly broad and there are so many great resources available. This list contains some tools and helpful resources for your ham radio journey.

Canadian Links
- RAC - the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada.
- Canadian Band Plans - guidance for the usage of the Canadian Amateur bands.
- ISEDC - Amateur resources on Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.
- Canadian Amateur Callsign Lookup - Search for Canadian Amateur Callsigns.
- CARBQSG-9 - Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide - 9th Edition. The leading Canadian Study Guide for students wishing to attain their Basic Qualification in Amateur Radio for more than 30 years. Fully updated with recent technological innovations.
- Amateur Exam Info - Information and links for getting licensed.
- - Ham gear buy and sell listings and event information.
Canadian Radio Vendors
- GPSCentral - Calgary based.
- RadioWorld - Toronto based.
- DXCanada - Hamilton based.

Various Tools
- Ham Radio for Beginners - Thanks to Ethan for this website link!
- pskreporter - Map digital reception reports for various ham radio digital modes including FT8, FT4, WSPR and more. Great for learning about propagation in real-time as you operate.
- The Reverse Beacon Network - is a network of ham radio stations listening to the bands and reporting what stations they hear, when, and how well.
- KiwiSDR - Collection of web-based receivers from around the world you can use via your desktop computer or smartphone to listen to HF frequencies.
- WebSDR - Directory of Software-Defined Radio receivers connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously.
- UtahSDR - One of our favorite SDRs on the Internet. Located in northern Utah, the phenomenal antennas and reliability of this remote SDR really sets it apart from others.
- Line of Site Elevation Tool
- HF Propagation Map
- VOACAP - HF Prediction tool for targeted comms
- VHF Propagation Map
- HamDXMap - See MUF, short and long path range!
- QSOMap
- AMSAT - Online Satellite Pass Predictions
- WSPR - Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network
- Line Loss Calculator
- Morse Code Decoder
- CW Bot - practice CW with AI!
- Morse Code Battleship Game
- QSO Finder - Like POTA but for CW QSOs
- Morse Walker - practice CW interactions online
- Morse Invaders - Arcade fun learning CW
- SWR Calculator for Vertical and Dipole Antennas
- Online Calculators for Antennas, Toroids, Coil Inductance and more!
- Wire Antenna Calculator
- RF Exposure Calculator
- Battery Pack Calculator - calculate the capacity, energy, maximum discharge current, and voltage of n cells in series/parallel with ease
- Maidenhead Locator - Easily get your gridsquare location

Quick Reference Operating Cards!
Save these to your Phone or Print them Out- MJARC Operating Cards - Frequently Used Q Codes
- MJARC Operating Cards - Morse and Phonetics
- MJARC Operating Cards - CW Abbreviations and QSO Template
- MJARC Operating Cards - CW POTA Template
- MJARC Operating Cards - RST System
- MJARC Operating Cards - Ham Bands and Modes
- MJARC Operating Cards - Canadian Call Signs
- MJARC Operating Cards - Time and UTC

Fun Ham Activities
- 🏞 POTA - Ham operators promoting emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.
- 🗻 SOTA - An award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas.
- 🏆 Contests! - Huge list of Ham Contests
- 🦊 Fox Hunting 101 - Fun hide and seek activity using radio
- 🆘 ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Services
- 👇 Long Island CW Club
- 👇 Andre's Morse Code Learning Site
- 🥷 Morse Code Ninja

Digital Modes
- WSJT-X - WSJT-X is the software that allows you to operate FT8. The software integrates with your HF radio and is the primary FT8 software suite.
- GridTracker - If you are re into FT8, you need this software. It runs alongside WSJT-X and provides a host of benefits that are incredible. This will change your FT8 operating experience!
- JS8Call - a mode based on FT8 providing weak signal keyboard to keyboard messaging
- APRS - Automatic Packet Reporting System

Notable Ham Radio YouTube Channels
- VE3TWM - Outdoors On The Air
- VA7BIX HamJazz
- The Smokin Ape
- Ham Radio Duo
- KE0OG - Ask Dave
- W6LG
- DX Commander
- Ham Radio Tube
- The Tech Prepper
- KB9RLW The Old Tech Guy
- Coastal Waves and Wires
- 741
- Ham Radio QRP - K0KLB
- Ham Radio Crash Course
- Ham Radio 2.0
- Ham Radio DX
- K7SW Portable Setups
- Radio Prepper
- Tim G5TM
- Crazy Chekov