10m Dual FireStik Dipole Antenna

This build was created by our very own Frank, VE5BBB. It makes use of 2 aluminum CB Mirror Mounts back to back as well as 2 FireStik II CB Antennas. Both of the FireStiks were the 5/8 wave or 48" long version. All of the parts in this build are available at Flying J on Moose Jaw's North Service Road.

This build is so simple yet incredibly effective. By using 2 of the FireStik antennas, you get a nearly perfectly matched 10m dipole that can be easily transported, assembled and deployed in no time. There are no ground radials to worry about and you can fit this bracket to a paint pole mast (using a hose clamp as a stopper) or tie a rope to the aluminum bracket and string it up in a tree. This would be a great setup for camping or Parks On The Air.

This bracket has one side fed with the feed line to an SO-239 connector. This side is separated from the bracket by the nylon spacer. The bracket and the matching antenna form the ground side.

The FireStik II Antenna is designed for CB or the 11m band - not a Ham band. However, because it features a tuning mechanism these antennas can be made to work with Amateur bands.

If you take a look at this scan from the Nano VNA, this antenna has a very impressive SWR right out the box!

No doubt you noticed the frequency: 27.810MHz which is a smidgeon outside the 10m band. However, if you remove the tuning mechanisms completely, it shortens it right up nicely into 10m. And, this could be adjusted further by playing with the tuning mechanisms on each leg of the antenna.

But Wait! ... There's More!
What if we told you that you can nab an extra ham band from this build for free?! It's true! You can also operate on 6m with this same setup! And check out that SWR reading! Not too shabby at all.

Thanks again to Frank, VE5BBB for sharing this build with the club!
VE5REV 73!