The Rybakov Antenna

A "random wire" of sorts, the Rybakov antenna get's it's name from the Russian word for 'fisherman.' This comes from the idea of deploying the antenna on a fishingrod (a shorter mast). It is composed of an 7.6m (~25) end-fed vertical driven element and a ground plane/counterpoise. It requires a 4:1 UnUn (Voltage balun) to handle the impedance transformation along with a tuner. This antenna is a slick multibander, handling 40m-6m, with a good external tuner. It excels as a portable antenna with a quick setup for POTA or camping and the like. You can expand the usable bands to 80m-6m with the use of a 53' element in an inverted L configuration.

Also, Chameleon antennas has introduced a 25' adjustable stainless steel whip that has this exact antenna in mind. As well, Coffee and Ham Radios has a version of this Antenna called the Poseidon that they sell as a kit.
Walt, K4OGO built this antenna and put up his experience on YouTube:
The magic behind the Rybakov is the ~25' length. This is a 3/8-wave vertical on the 20m band. And 50' is 3/8-wave for 40m. This little tweak most likely explains what gives this antenna its pizzazz.
If you want to roll your own version of this antenna, TheSmokinApe has a great video explaining how to wind your own 4:1. Also, looking at the CAHR build instructions is helpful too.
A version of the 4:1 UnUn with an integrated 1:1 choke was prepared for this antenna. The main core is Type 43 2643251002 and the choke is the Type 31 2631801202. This is paired with the 7.6m 18AWG speaker wire driven element and a counterpoise.

Regarding the ground plane/counterpoise, it's fairly versatile. You can use traditional ground radials, the 'magic carpet' aluminum screen or Faraday cloth. (A handy hint is using bean bags/cornhole bags to hold down the corners of the ground cloth so it doesn't take off in the wind). Or, as tested for this build, tuned elevated radials comprised of 5 quarter wave wires cut for the 20m-10m bands. This gives a convenient, directional ground system for multi-band operations and requires no special configuration to change bands. Just switch bands on your radio and tune it up.

The following test data shows SWR readings using the elevated ground radials. An internal rig tuner can easily handle 10m, 12m, 15m and 30m as these are all under 3:1 SWR. However, a beefier tuner will be required for 17m, 20m and 40m.

Thanks for checking out this build!
VE5REV 73!