Moose Jaw and Area Nets

What are Nets?
"Nets" are often unfamiliar for newly licensed amateur radio operators. They are regularly scheduled, on-air radio meetings through the local repeater. They can be informal and act as a way for hams to check in with each other or relay community events. Sometimes, they function as a way to pass formal traffic, such as in disaster or emergency context. Nets are a great way to get to your callsign on the air and connect with other local radio amateurs.

VE5CI Nets
Moose Jaw, VE5CI 146.940 {-.6MHz} has daily scheduled nets (Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays for sure) at 9PM local time or 03:00 UTC.
Other Local Area Nets
VHF Nets:
- Regina, VE5YQR 147.120 {+.6MHz} SaskLink (9300) Mon-Fri 9PM or 03:00 UTC
- Saskatoon, VE5SK 146.640 {-.6MHz} Daily 8PM Local or 02:00 UTC
HF Nets:
- Saskatchewan Public Service Net - Daily - 3.735MHz - 7PM Local or 01:00 UTC
- Alberta Public Service Net - Daily - 3.700MHz - 01:30 UTC
- TransCanada Net - Sundays and Holidays - 14.140MHz - 18:00 UTC
- Manitoba Evening Phone Net - Daily - 3.747MHz - 7PM CST
- The Aurora Net
- Afternoon Aurora Net - Daily - 7.100 MHz - 23:00 UTC
- Evening Aurora Net - Sunday - 7.100 MHz.- 9:30 PM CST (MB Time Year Round)
Every Net known to Hamkind: