Net Control Protocol
Good evening to all. This is the Moose Jaw Amateur Radio Club 2 Meter Net. This net meets daily at 0300 UTC on the VE5CI repeater for the purpose of passing traffic, bulletins, or other items of interest to radio amateurs in the Moose Jaw area.
Your net manager is _____ (name & call) and your net controller for this evening is _____ (name & call).
- Is there any emergency or priority traffic?
- Is there any mobile or portable traffic?
- Are there any stations wishing to call another or who wish to check out early?
- Are there any visiting amateurs in the Moose Jaw area who wish to check in?
- Is there any news of ill or hospitalized amateurs?
- Is there any traffic or bulletins of amateur activities?
- Are there any check-ins from the following areas?
- Regina City and surrounding area?
- Outside the City of Moose Jaw?
- Moose Jaw City:
- South Hill?
- North East?
- North West?
- Last call for any late or missed stations from anywhere, or any other items of interest to radio amateurs?
There being no further check-ins or traffic, I wish to thank all the stations who checked in this evening and will now close the net, and leave the repeater open for normal amateur use. The net is now closed at _____ UTC. Good evening to all.
_____ (controller call) is now clear.