+2024 Version of the Constitution and Bylaws+

The Constitution


This organization shall be known as: "The Moose Jaw Amateur Radio Club" (MJARC).


  1. To conduct ourselves and our station in such a manner as to be an asset to ourselves and to our community at all times;
  2. To uphold the longstanding tradition of service established by the Hams in the Moose Jaw Amateur Radio Club over our history, pledging our wholehearted support to local Authorities in any emergency or needed Public Service and supplying them with our communication skills;
  3. To promote and further the advance of Amateur Radio, as well as to serve as a source of assistance and inspiration to Amateurs and newcomers alike;
  4. To endorse and adhere to the Amateur Radio Code of Ethics;
  5. To abide by and uphold the laws and regulations for Amateur radio instituted by the government of Canada.


  1. Admission is based on membership dues. The club membership calendar year is from September-August. Any member whose dues are not paid up by the October meeting, shall forfeit the right to vote and hold office.
  2. Radio amateurs holding a valid operator's license will have full privileges upon becoming a member of the Club;
  3. Lifetime membership may be granted by the club, with full privileges; any member may recommend such an individual to this category, subject to a motion;
  4. Associate membership may also be granted by the club; such a member may not vote or hold offices in the club.


  1. Election for the positions on the executive shall be held at the October meeting;
  2. Only those Club members in good standing may be nominated for the positions on the executive;
  3. Election shall be by secret ballot; a majority vote is required to elect;
  4. Report of the tellers shall consist of the candidates' names, and number of votes cast;
  5. If there is a sole candidate for an office, the candidate shall be elected by acclamation. If there is not unanimous consent, a ballot vote should be counted for a formal determination.
  6. Members on the executive may be re-elected with no term limits.


  1. The executive shall consist of four (4) members:
    1. President
    2. Vice-President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
  2. Term of office shall run from November 1 of the current year to October 31 of the following year;
  3. These positions are to be elected each year for a one (1) year term;
  4. If a vacancy occurs on the executive during the course of the year, it shall be filled by a by-election held at a regular monthly meeting.


  1. The executive is responsible for all Club assets; Custodians may be appointed for all or any part of the Club equipment, as deemed necessary;
  2. The executive shall prepare, or cause to be prepared an accurate and up to date record of all paid up members, including call sign, name, address, postal code and phone number;
  3. The Executive shall call for a special meeting when deemed necessary; all motions at such meeting shall require a majority vote of fifty percent (50%) plus one (1);
  4. All disbursements shall be paid by cheque and signed by the treasurer, and either the president or vice president; a receipt will be required;
  5. Signing authority shall not be held by any two members of the same household;
  6. At least thirty (30) days prior to the October meeting, the Executive shall appoint two (2) members to perform an internal audit of the club books;
  7. The executive shall ask for volunteers and appoint such qualified individuals to act and serve as liaison unto committees of:
    1. Amateur Radio Emergency Service
    2. Emergency Measures Organization
    3. Media Liaison/Publicity
    4. Western Development Museum
    5. Public Events
    6. Club Repeaters and the VE5MA Station
    7. Club Events
    8. Net Manager


  1. Shall preside at the opening and closing of all meetings;
  2. Exercise general supervision over the members and business of the Club;
  3. Submit at the October meeting, a comprehensive report of the affairs of the Executive;
  4. May vote when voting is by secret ballot; in other cases where his or her vote would defeat the motion by making a tie, or carrying it, by breaking a tie;
  5. To be considered for the office of the President, the candidate filling the position must have been a member for at least one preceding year, in good standing.

  1. In the absence or incapacity of the President, all rights and powers vested in the President shall rest upon the Vice President;
  2. If the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, VP shall become Acting-President until the executive calls a by-election; by-election to be called as soon as deemed appropriate.

  1. Shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the Club;
  2. Shall handle all incoming and outgoing correspondence;
  3. Together with the President, shall set the agenda for each meeting;
  4. Shall notify all members of the next meeting, having gathered the necessary minutes and letters relative to the business of the club.

  1. The incoming Treasurer will submit to the President, a completed, clear PRC (Police Record Check) before receiving access to the club books and being granted signing authority;
  2. All monies received shall be duly receipted, deposited and recorded in the books of the club;
  3. All monies paid out, for whatever reason, shall be recorded and paid out by cheque;
  4. All records of receipts and payments shall be reconciled with a bank statement at the end of each month.
  5. Shall submit a financial report of the state of the Club at each regular meeting, providing a copy to the secretary;
  6. Shall submit, at the October meeting, a year-end report showing the complete financial state of the club;
  7. Shall prepare, annually, a financial report that meets ISC requirements, showing the state of the club and shall be submitted to the Corporations branch of ISC by March 31 of any given year.

  1. A person is considered a "member" if he or she holds a valid certificate of proficiency in Amateur Radio, issued by the governing body of Canada, and is a member "in good standing";
  2. A member "in good standing" is defined as being one whose dues have been fully paid in the current year;
  3. A "quorum" is defined as a number of members that must be present at any regular meeting if the business done is to be legal and binding;
  4. A "majority vote" is defined as fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the total membership in any current year.

In the event the executive of the day deems it necessary to dissolve the club for whatever reason, all assets at time of dissolution will become the property of Radio Amateurs of Canada, to disburse or retain, as determined by the representatives of RAC.


  1. A committee shall be appointed every four (4) years to review and consider proposals to amend the constitution and bylaws;
  2. The committee in (XIII-1) above, shall submit their report to the executive;
  3. If there are to be amendments, such proposed amendments shall be presented as a notice of motion in writing one (1) month before they can be adopted;
  4. The amendments to be adopted shall require two thirds (2/3) majority of the members in good standing in order to become part of this constitution.

The Bylaws


  1. Membership shall be valid from October 1 of any given year to September 30 of the following year;
  2. Dues for the ensuing year shall be established at the first meeting of the year, in September;
  3. Dues for new members, and our students, shall be pro-rated at 10% of the annual fees per full month to the end of September.

Agenda for the regular meetings shall be:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introduction of Guests and Visitors
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Business Arising from the Minutes
  5. Correspondence
  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Committee Reports
  8. Elections (October meeting only)
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment
  12. Lectures or demonstrations

  1. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month (June, July and August are at the discretion of the President, upon consensus of the membership) for the purpose of conducting the day to day business of the club;
  2. A quorum shall require the attendance of at least three (3) executive plus one (1) member in good standing.


  1. ARES
    1. The Emergency Co-ordinator is required to be a full RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) member, hold an Amateur Radio Operator's certificate, and should always operate radio equipment only within the limits and privileges of the certificate and qualifications held;
    2. Promote and enhance the activities of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service), as well as establishing local communications networks and testing these networks regularly;
    3. To work in conjunction with the local chapter of the Emergency Measures Organization;

  2. Emergency Measures Organization (EMO):
    1. To liaison with local authorities and inform the Club members of EMO activities which may require the help of MJARC members;
    2. To head the Field Day committee in the planning and operation of Field Day in June each year;

    1. One member shall be liaison with the media to report upon club events;
    2. Shall be responsible for the storage and maintenance of the club history in any form suitable.

    1. One member shall be liaison with the Western Development Museum (WDM) General Manager;
    2. Shall organize projects for which the WDM management requests the help of the MJARC members.

    1. Shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of said repeater(s) and/or station;
    2. Person responsible for repeaters/Club Station shall hold an Advanced Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate.

    1. Shall be responsible for internal activities of the club,
    2. Shall organize and prepare demonstrations and presentations at regular meetings of the Club.

    1. Shhall initiate a "Net" on the air, composed of a group of amateurs who meet at a specific time, on a predetermined frequency for check-ins and passing traffic;
    2. Shall be in control of and receive reports of sessions and check-ins from Net Controllers;
    3. Shall present each month's report at the regular meetings of the club, and submit a written report to the executive, forwarding reports to appropriate agencies when needed;
    4. The preamble of the net called each evening at 0300 UTC (9:00 pm local time) shall be similar to the one found in Appendix A.


  1. Any bylaw can be amended at any regular meeting of the club, with 30 days notice;
  2. A majority vote by quorum is sufficient to carry the amendment.