Our club is active, adding new members and taking part in many Amateur Radio activities in the Moose Jaw area! Click the contact us button to connect with us and check out our Events page for ways to get involved.

Club Documents

Constitution, Executive & Members

A Little History...

On Wednesday November 16, 1921, Moose Jaw Radio Amateurs gathered together at the YMCA and formed the Moose Jaw Amateur Radio Association. With a temporary set of rules, the original members elected W.R. (Wally) Pottle as club President, Pat Bayley as Vice-President, J.E. Brickett as Secretary and A. Mathers as Treasurer. In 1922, the federal government of Canada issued the very first Canadian station license to Moose Jaw - 10AB. Our original Amateurs were able to transmit at a whopping 10 Watts which was increased to 50 Watts in 1923. This station was eventually purchased in 1933 by business men and became known as 800 CHAB and has been serving Moose Jaw and area till the present. Our Club celebrated our 101st Birthday in 2022, an event covered by Moose Jaw Today.

VE5MA Station

Our Station is located at the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. It can be found inside the Wireless Room through the Aviation Section of the Museum. In 2023, a new Icom 7300 HF Rig was purchased for the club, along with a new Hy-Gain AV-12AVQ triband antenna for 20m,15m and 10m bands. The 2M rig is an Icom IC-211 all mode tranceiver.

There is a lot of vintage equipment and memorabilia on display in the Wireless Room!

The members of VE5MA operate and maintain our local repeater, VE5CI, also located at the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw.

Over 100 Years of Hamming it Up!

Click here for more notables from our club's history!